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Clare Mather

MNO & Engagement Coordinator

Clare's Bio:

My FIT4MOM journey started when I was pregnant with my second baby and knew how important a community of moms would be in this stage of life. Attending classes, playgroups, and Mom's Nights Out have helped me feel like myself and given me a community on the most challenging parenting days. As a former fitness instructor, I love how positive and empowering movement alongside a community can be.

I grew up in Baltimore County, went to University of Maryland, lived out of state for a few years and now am happily re-settled in Baltimore with my husband and 2 kids. I have a degree in nutrition science and worked in the public health sector before staying at home with my kids. FIT4MOM has been so helpful in getting us out of the house, staying active (while keeping the kids entertained!), and building a community of Baltimore moms in the same stage of life.

I'm so excited to help foster the FIT4MOM community that has meant so much to me by planning fun things for Our Village!

Clare Mather