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Kristin Murphy

FIT4MOM Certified Stroller Strides, Strides 360, and FIT4BABY Instructor

Kristin's Bio:

My FIT4MOM journey started in late February 2020. My oldest was about 5 months old, and I desperately needed to get out of the house. I was going to a once a week mommy and me yoga class and while I loved it, once a week just wasn’t enough. So after many google and Facebook searches I came across FIT4MOM and after my first class I was 100% sold. FIT4MOM kept me sane during lockdown and I credit the smooth labor of my daughter to keeping up with my FIT4MOM and FIT4BABY workouts.

When I heard that FIT4MOM was looking for new instructors, I thought what a great opportunity to give back to the village that had given me so much in the past two years. I am looking forward to helping other mamas on their fitness journey and being a part of the FIT4MOM team.

Kristin Murphy